Moneybookers is most popular skril. It is necessary for your online payment. Moneybookers, we use it in odesk, freelancer and so on.  I have integrated it on my web to sell product. Its very simple. Let's do it step by step. 
Firstly signup on as Business account. After this just fill-up requirements to complete the registration process.

To add moneybookers button on your web you should add the code as the moneybookers.php

This is the status page "payment_status.php" that work on back-end so, the user can not see the page. This is for store the information on your database.

Create another two page as the name "payment_success.php" and "payment_cancel.php". The payment_success.php page will come to user if payment success and the payment_cancel.php page will come when user would like to cancel the payment. If you want to add more costume fields on the page just see the link: