Example url http://example.com?id=123&name=mahedi To get the value of id and name with jquery. Function code:

function getUrlParameters(parameter, staticURL, decode){
    var currLocation = (staticURL.length)? staticURL : window.location.search,
            parArr = currLocation.split("?")[1].split("&"),
            returnBool = true;
    for(var i = 0; i < parArr.length; i++){
        parr = parArr[i].split("=");
        if(parr[0] == parameter){
            return (decode) ? decodeURIComponent(parr[1]) : parr[1];
            returnBool = true;
            returnBool = false;
    if(!returnBool) return false;

 var id = getUrlParameters("id", "", true);
 var name= getUrlParameters("name", "", true);